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Association for Women in Mathematics

Yijie Jin and I are working together to make the Georgia Tech AWM Graduate Student chapter bigger and better than ever before! 


Upcoming events:

  • Stay tuned for Fall 2023 events!

Past events: 

  • Fake wine with fake cheese social -- April 7, 2022

  • The tenure track process w/ John Etyre -- April 14, 2022

  • CVs and more in academic hiring w/ Greg Blekherman and Shahaf Nitzan -- April 21, 2022

  • Fake wine with fake cheese social (joint with Prospective Students' Day) -- October 2022

  • Pi and Tea Day (cosponsor) -- March 14, 2023

  • Diversity Statement Workshop w/ Miriam Kuzbary -- May 2, 2023

Geometry & Topology Student Seminar

I co-organized the Geometry and Topology Student Seminar with Weizhe Shen in 2021-22.​ We are taking this opportunity to expand the scope of the student seminar and provide a greater opportunity for community building.

Dean's Graduate Council

As of Fall 2022, I am a member of the Dean's Graduate Council. I meet with representatives of the Dean's office and of other departments in the College of Sciences  to enact change from the top down.

Directed Reading Program
  • Spring 2023: Matthew Aronin & Austin Longin, combinatorial topology

    • Austin went on to perform summer research in mathematics (topology)​

  • Fall 2021: Melody Nigam, point-set topology & complex dynamics

    • Melody went on to perform summer research in mathematics​ (computational)

  • Spring 2021: Alice Ponte, knot theory & quantum topology

    • Alice went on to perform summer research in mathematics (topology)​


  • Fall 2020: Jonathan Lugo & Samantha Mitra, abstract algebra and assorted topics

    • Jonathan went on to attend graduate school in mathematics​


  • Spring 2020: Adele Payman & Amy Tin, knot theory

    • Adele went on to perform summer research in mathematics (topology)​

Teaching Assistant, REU Summer 2020



  • Hopf Algebras and Monoidal Categories
    Mentor: Jonathan Beardsley
    Participants: Brendan Murphy, Suhyeon Lee, Luke Trujillo


  • Images of Untwisted Dijkgraaf-Witten Representations
    Mentor: Wade Bloomquist
    Participants: Andrea Barton, Jose Guzman, Hannah Moon

  • Pure Braids and Link Concordance
    Mentor: Miriam Kuzbary
    Participants: Madison Ford, Ben Pagano, Sarah Pritchard, Erin Wilkerson 



REU-Wide Events Organized


  • Introduction to LaTeX 

  • Writing math

  • Writing application essays
    & follow-up workshop


  • Writing a CV
    & follow-up workshop

GSTGC 2022 @ GA Tech!

I was one of the organizers of the Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference 2022 at Georgia Tech! More details can be found on the conference website.​

Family Science Night @ Morningside Elementary

2019: Fractals

           with Dan Margalit, Wade Bloomquist, 
           and Sarah Davis


Tel: 123-456-7890

Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Mathematics
686 Cherry St
Atlanta GA 30332-0160

rshapiro32 at gatech dot edu

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