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Upcoming Talks


  • *TBA -- September 2024 -- UNAM 

  • *TBA -- October 2024 -- AMS Fall Western Sectional

  • *TBA -- December 2024 -- Tech Topology Conference

Past Talks

  • *Geometry, topology, and combinatorics of fine curve graph variants -- May 2024 -- UNAM CCM Geometry and Dynamics Seminar

  • *Non-hyperbolicity of large subgraphs of fine curve graphs -- April 2024 -- AMS Spring Central Sectional

  • *Non-hyperbolicity of single-isotopy-class fine curve graphs -- April 2024 -- AMS Spring Southeast Sectional

  • *Non-hyperbolicity of single-isotopy-class fine curve graphs -- March 2024 -- Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference

  • *Geometry, topology, and combinatorics of fine curve graph variants -- March 2024 -- Little Dynamics Workshop at UofM

  • *Curve graphs and variants: marrying topology and combinatorics using algebra -- February 2024 -- Lafayette College Colloquium

  • *Geometry, topology, and combinatorics of fine curve graphs -- January 2024 -- Rice University Topology Seminar

  • *The mysterious part of fine curve graphs -- November 2023 -- UGA Topology Seminar

  • The mysterious part of fine curve graphs (lightning) -- November 2023 -- TGTC

  • *The mysterious part of fine curve graphs -- October 2023 -- AWM Symposium

  • *Automorphisms of the fine 1-curve graph -- August 2023 -- Georgia Tech Geometry and Topology Seminar

  • Automorphisms of the fine 1-curve graph (lightning) -- July 2023 -- Group Actions and Low-Dimensional Topology

  • Automorphisms of the fine 1-curve graph (lightning) -- April 2023 -- Redbud Topology Conference

  • *Automorphisms of the fine 1-curve graph -- March 2023 -- AMS Spring Southeast Sectional

  • *Automorphisms of the fine 1-curve graph -- February 2023 -- GT GAPS

  • *Automorphisms of the fine 1-curve graph -- January 2023 -- Vanderbilt Topology & Group Theory Seminar

  • Automorphisms of the fine 1-curve graph (lightning) -- December 2022 -- Tech Topology Conference

  • A Brief History of Mapping Class Groups -- August 2022 -- Georgia Tech Geometry/Topology Student Seminar

  • An Alexander method for infinite-type surfaces -- May 2022 -- GTA Philadelphia

  • *From the continuous to the combinatorial: two Alexander methods -- April 2022 -- UT Austin Topology Seminar

  • An Alexander method for infinite-type surfaces -- April 2022 -- Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference

  • *An Alexander method for infinite-type surfaces -- March 2022 -- Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference at Baylor

  • *An Alexander method for infinite-type surfaces -- November 2021 -- Long-distance seminar in Geometric Group Theory

  • An Alexander method for infinite-type surfaces -- November 2021 -- Georgia Tech Geometry/Topology Student Seminar 

  • Towards Classifying Topological Polynomials -- May 2021 -- Oral Comprehensive Exam


  • An Alexander method for infinite-type surfaces -- April 2021 -- Georgia Tech Geometry/Topology Student Seminar


  • *Mugs and donuts: an introduction to surface topology -- February 2021 -- Rutgers Undergraduate Mathematics Association


  • The Alexander method and recognizing maps -- August 2020 -- Georgia Tech Geometry/Topology Student Seminar



* denotes invited talks

Tel: 123-456-7890

Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Mathematics
686 Cherry St
Atlanta GA 30332-0160

rshapiro32 at gatech dot edu

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